All Government schools in Victoria have a School Council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set the key directions of the school within centrally provided guidelines. All School Council decision-making takes place within a framework of legislated powers, Ministerial Orders, directions, guidelines and Department of Education and Training (DET) policy.
School Councils assist with the efficient governance of a school. They ensure the best interests of all students are primary, enhance the educational opportunities for students and ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulations.
At Dingley Primary School our School Council is made up of parents, teachers and the Principal. Positions on School Council are held for two years. The term of half the members expires each year, creating vacancies for the annual school council elections which are generally held in February each year.
School Council meetings are open to members of the school community. Meetings are held monthly on Tuesday evenings in the Staff Room.
School Council welcomes your feedback and suggestions. To contact school council either approach one of the school councillors directly or send an email to attention: School Council
We welcome all families to be a part of our school community. In addition to School Council, you can be a classroom helper, listen to children read their take-home readers, assist with whole school events and more!
© Dingley Primary School